Indigenous Rights Update

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Bill C-262 passed THIRD reading in house of commons

Bill C262, for the adoption and implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, came up for debate in the House of Commons on February 5, 2018. The Bill passed second reading in a February 7, 2018 vote. On May 30, 2018, Bill C-262 had its 3rd reading in parliament, and passed its final vote. It is now being debated in the Senate.

Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission named the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation in Canada. As a congregation, we have studied the Declaration, and have considered our covenant responsibilities to God, the land, and our Indigenous neighbors. Some of us walked to Ottawa on the Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights in support of Bill C-262, legislation for Canada to adopt and implement the Declaration. Some have fasted and prayed as a part of the Mennonite Church Canada process advocating for the passage of Bill C-262. Now that the bill has been approved, may this help us move towards greater justice and reconciliation for all.

Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights


The Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights was a 600 km walk from Kitchener to Ottawa, promoting conversation around the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People. A number of Stirling members participated. The walk began April 23 and ended May 14, 2017.  A video about the pilgrimage is available for public viewing at the following link:



