Brenda Davis Brenda Davis

Stirling wishes Josie a blessed retirement!

On June 23rd, Josie Winterfeld is retiring from Stirling after more than 16 years as Missions, Peace and Justice Outreach Worker. The communion table picture above offers a visual representation of the many ways in which she carried out this ministry. There’s a bird’s nest representing her work on creation care and with HOMES; a pride flag representing her role in us becoming an affirming congregation; and a vase made in Turkey that was given to her by our Turkish Muslim friends at the Intercultural Dialogue Institute.

Josie’s careful nurturing of relationships with Indigenous neighbours, represented by the two-row wampum belt, the Eagle feather and tobacco stick, has been instrumental in our congregation’s journey of learning the truth and working toward reconciliation.

We are marking a transition today, and like so many transitions in life – it’s bittersweet.  We are thankful for the ways in which Josie has touched our lives as individuals and as a congregation. And at the same time, we are aware that a dear mentor, leader, colleague and friend will no longer be present in our lives in the way we are used to. We surround Josie with our appreciation and love, and release her to enjoy all that this new season in her life has to offer.  Thanks be to God.

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